Mumbai slums India
People living in impoverished slum communities
A slum is a highly populated urban residential area consisting of densely packed housing units
of weak build quality and often associated with poverty.
About 15 percent of India is undernourished, 15% of 1.34 billion people is roughly 199 million people.
Around 30 percent of newborns die from lack of nutrition.
The infrastructure in slums is often deteriorated or incompleteand they are inhabited by impoverished people.
The lanes and alleyways are narrow, just wide enough for two people to pass.
Every fifteen feet there would be a doorway leading into a house, a singular 4×4 meter room
which was the kitchen, living and bedroom for an entire family.
1st to 7th December 2023: C3 Church Shellharbour, team visit to Mumbai
Thane, Dombivilli, Mumbai India. People living in impoverished slum communities
2nd December 2023, Baptisms with Pastor Jason and Team and Pastor Sujil with lunch, what a celebration.
Visiting Blessing Home orphanage, Pastor Sijil's Church, Leadership Conference.
Visit to Ambedkar Slum with pastor Sujil and Miss Anisha with songs, stories, food and school supplies.
The children were happy to see us, we had organised a game, song,story and a meal for the children.
The biggest threat for the residents living in slums, is being forced from their homes
as land that is now prime realestate with plenty of developers eyes on Mumbai Slums.
January 2023: Pastor Jason, Victor and Annie visited Ambedkar Slum
January 2023: Pastor Jason ,Victor and Annie Visited with Pastor Sujil and Miss Suman
at Shanti Nagar Vitalwadi Slumwith Suman,songs, stories and food for the children
January 2023: Pastor Jason, Victor and Annie visited with Pastor Sujil and Rohit, At Kopar Slum
sharing songs, stories and food with the children. This slum is next to a Hindu cemetery and a swamp.
April to August 2021 During this 3rd wave COVID Pandemic Mumbai, India
Distributing groceries and rice to people living in impoverished communities, Mumbai slums
The Bible teaches that God wants you to have enough money to:
(1) Provide for the needs of your family and help them to succeed.
(2)Finance God's work.
(3) Pay your taxes and your obligations.
(4) Send his Word to the four corners of the world.
(5) Help the poor and needy.
(1) Provide for the needs of your family and help them to succeed.
(2)Finance God's work.
(3) Pay your taxes and your obligations.
(4) Send his Word to the four corners of the world.
(5) Help the poor and needy.