18th October 2020 Reddipalli Village
Distributed food
Wheat, Dal, oil, Soaps, Eggs, Vegetables, Onions
A letter from Pastor John Victor dated 4 April 2020
We are praying for you and your good health in Australia.
Thank you from our Area pastor's once again your prayers and financial support every month.
All are safe here at present in Padmanabham village and local villages.
In surrounding 60 km area suffering with the spread of COVID 19 ( Corona virus)
The area around Padmanabham has been in Lockdown from the last month
Churches, schools and many shops are closed.
All people and our Pastor's from sounding villages are at home with no work or income.
People are unable to get their daily food, so please keep praying for pastors and the poor communities who are starving.
All the people from all villages are only allowed to go to the markets, one member of household only.
Shops are opened between 9am and 11am daily for food, which is scarce. Food is always sold out before everyone has food.
I have food to give to the hungry people because Future Focus Ministries sent money to buy food.
Rice one large sack ($25), Rice 5 kg ($4.30), Dahl one kg ($2.20) Oil one kg ($1.20)
Thank you
Pastor. D. John Victor
All money raised goes to Pastor John Victor in Padmanabham India for food Releif as soon as we receive it.
Pastor John Victor is truly loved by the impoverished sick people and God blesses his work in amazing ways.
He has told us that starvation is making the impact of the virus worse.
We are praying for you and your good health in Australia.
Thank you from our Area pastor's once again your prayers and financial support every month.
All are safe here at present in Padmanabham village and local villages.
In surrounding 60 km area suffering with the spread of COVID 19 ( Corona virus)
The area around Padmanabham has been in Lockdown from the last month
Churches, schools and many shops are closed.
All people and our Pastor's from sounding villages are at home with no work or income.
People are unable to get their daily food, so please keep praying for pastors and the poor communities who are starving.
All the people from all villages are only allowed to go to the markets, one member of household only.
Shops are opened between 9am and 11am daily for food, which is scarce. Food is always sold out before everyone has food.
I have food to give to the hungry people because Future Focus Ministries sent money to buy food.
Rice one large sack ($25), Rice 5 kg ($4.30), Dahl one kg ($2.20) Oil one kg ($1.20)
Thank you
Pastor. D. John Victor
All money raised goes to Pastor John Victor in Padmanabham India for food Releif as soon as we receive it.
Pastor John Victor is truly loved by the impoverished sick people and God blesses his work in amazing ways.
He has told us that starvation is making the impact of the virus worse.
29th September 2020 Gollapeta Village Morning: Sundra Kumar and John Victor
Distrubted food packs, Wheat, Atta, Dal, oil packets, Soaps, Eggs, Vegetables
Distrubted food packs, Wheat, Atta, Dal, oil packets, Soaps, Eggs, Vegetables
29th September 2020 Krishnapuram Village Afternoon: Pastor Kumari distributed food packs to hungry people
19th September 2020 food packages were distrubted at Lotlapalli village,65 needy poor Hindu people gathered to receive food packages for their families. Village Leaders, Pastor Abraham and Pastor John Peter also participate with the programme. People are so thankful to you and they are very happy. Glory to God.
Barlapeta Vilage on 31 August 2020
Pastor D. Nayamman and wife D. Jothiy
Feeding the hungry inside the church building.
After Church it was a lovely way to show the love of Jesus to Hindu and Christians alike
30th August Jami Village Church:
Pastor John Peter organised a cooked meal or Hindu and Christians alike, showing the love of Jesus
Pastor John Peter organised a cooked meal or Hindu and Christians alike, showing the love of Jesus
Independence Day 15th August
special prayer meeting at Poturu Village Church, praying for India wth Pastor John Victor
[2 Chronicles 7:14]
22nd June at Rellipeta Village distributed bags of food to the poor with Pastor John Victor Dunna
18th June Feeding the hungry at Mukundapuram Village. photos below
Food distributed bags of food to the poor with Pastor Jonh Peter
in Memory of Pastor Rajarathanam passed away 20 May 2020 from Covid 19 helping the poor in his village.
23rd May 2020 Mukundapuram Village, Pastor Abrahams and his wife Sujanne distribute food parcels to very poor families in the Mukundapuram Village from the church door and house to house
11 May 2020 Many hungry people came to the church building in Uralam Village and were given bags of food
10th May Food was distributedat Dupalavasa Village. by Pastor Yonah, Dupalavasa Village
4th May Palli village food distrubtion:
A large crowd gathered, as the lack of food is more of a problem to these village people
all who came received eggs rice and other food in a bag. Photos below
A large crowd gathered, as the lack of food is more of a problem to these village people
all who came received eggs rice and other food in a bag. Photos below
3rd May 2020: Gift of Rupees given to village Pastors in need
so they can carry out work in their villages looking after the poor and sick
29th April Food Distributed to families at Gollalapeta Village
The people say thanks to Apostle Lionel his family and Church members.
28th April Potnuru village we dustributed the Groceries
Pastors prayed for one hour for needs, India and Australia
Pastors prayed for one hour for needs, India and Australia
21th April 2020 Distributed the food Items at Padmanabham Mandel
27th April 2020 Relli village people received the gifts of food items.
Pastor. D. John Victor
Pastor. D. John Victor
Monday 21th April Barlapeta Village Distribution of food 57 households who had no food or money
On 7th April Distributed Rice Dal & Oil to these Tribal villages Pastors 1) Pastor. Moses Krishnapuram village, 2) Pastor. Sudaker Chinapuram village, 9th April distributed Rice,
Dal & Oil to these villages These Pastors distrubted the food in their villages 3) pastor. Samuel Srlrapalem Village , 4)pastor. Naaman Barlapeta Village, 5)pastor. Sugunarao Anathavaram Village, 6) pastor. Zechariah Redepalli Village, 7)pastor. Amos Madi Village, |
Pastor Suvrtharaju, Palli Village
11th April Dustributoin
25kg bags rice, 1kg Dal & 1Kg oil 1) pastor. suvrtharaju, Palli Village, 2) pastor. John Peter, Jammi Village 3) pastor. Krupa rao,Jammi Village 4)pastor. Sundar Kumar,GolapetaVillage 5)pastor. Caleb, Bandepuram Village 6)pastor. Steven, Reveddi Village 12th April Dustributoin, Rice,Dal & oil 7) pastor. Samuel Alamanda village, 8) pastor. Paul S Ganigundam Kotha colony Village, 9) pastor. Srinivasu Rao,Narasapuram Village, 10) pastor. Chondu Moses Thagarapuvalasa Village, |
Sweing centre closed as India is in lock down (Corona virus) 13 March 2020
This project provides-our trainees
With an independent source of income and hope for their future
We are helping the students of the class to get through this hard time in lockdown
This project provides-our trainees
With an independent source of income and hope for their future
We are helping the students of the class to get through this hard time in lockdown