Duppalavalasa village, Pastor Jonah
Pastor Jonah
Duppalavalasa village in district of Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Ppopulation of Duppalavalasa Village is 2,000 covering 284 ha area.
A impoverished tribal village.
Sunday school and service every Sunday.
Women's health meetings are conducted monthly
His church building is a safe place for women of all faiths to meet together
Pastor Jonah and his wife help the poor in the village
Duppalavalasa village in district of Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Ppopulation of Duppalavalasa Village is 2,000 covering 284 ha area.
A impoverished tribal village.
Sunday school and service every Sunday.
Women's health meetings are conducted monthly
His church building is a safe place for women of all faiths to meet together
Pastor Jonah and his wife help the poor in the village